"...one contestant ran the olympics wearing nothing BUTT his gun." 😂

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Sorry. No one - gay, straight, whatever - should be walking/riding naked down a public street. I thought we had laws about this stuff? If you don't think it's sexual, I don't think I'm the one that needs a therapist. No one in their right mind rides their bike naked down the street just to do it. Do that weird perverted stuff somewhere in a private closed event. Not on a public street. Keep your clothes on in public.

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Well, it sounds to me like you're an authoritarian that wants to control other people then. You won't fit in well here and will probably be deeply offended by my content. It's important to know this early on so that you can can run along and find authoritarians to listen to you that will tell you exactly what you want to hear.

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I'm glad you had fun at Porcfest. And you are right; there is nothing inherently wrong with the human body. The difference between what the guys at Porcfest were doing and what the rainbow brigade does is that parents bring children to watch fetish shit. I don't think there's been a non-kink-filled Gay pride parade since they started.

I guess if the rainbow brigade were walking down the street in chaps and vests, nobody would care, except for them being in public. But they have this tendency to shake their junk at kids.

There is no real difference between a nude model posing for a picture and those rainbow folk, but they make it seem so obscene.

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Then don’t go to the fucking parade. Problem solved. You don’t get to dictate what other people do or how they live their lives.

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No, that's what laws are for. There are some things that are moral rights. If there was a dictation on what people could do or how they lived their lives, Psychopaths would have free reign to kill people. Public nudity is the same thing. Having a naked Olympics on private land is different than doing it on Mainstreet.

Having a drag show in a bar is okay, as long as minors aren't therein, watching, because their parents are asshats.

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No one forces you to go. Be an adult and walk down a different street. You don't get to force your ideas on others when they are doing nothing to hurt you and everything is voluntary. And you don't get to tell other people how to parent. You idiots are going to lose everything because you couldn't control your own authoritarianism.

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Common decency would suggest that they, being perverts, should hold their pedophile parade and fair somewhere else, optimally inside, where children can't see them.

Why should decent folk have to walk down a different street? Everybody pays for the streets.

If the law enforcement in LA or Portland, or anywhere these perverted parades march, arrested them for public indecency, it would be okay.

That's how the Marxists win. They force you to accept their deviancy; then they force you to walk down a different street; then they move into your neighborhoods, take over your churches, then your schools.

In my humble opinion, it has to stop somewhere.

If they want to march in a pride parade, they can do it the way the Japanese and Germans do, with their clothes on and in memory and support of people who are LG&B.

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It’s weird when people freak out about nudity when God’s bare ass is painted on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.

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A very funny article Karlyn. Nope I won't be participating in body freedom either.

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I remember when my son came to visit me here in France.

He was taking photos of all the subway billboards and advertisements.

I asked him, "Why was he doing that"?

He said, "They are all naked.

It looks like art the way they look. It's not sexual at all. I want to show my friends the difference."

But right before I started believing that my son was cultured his red-neck popped out.

He asked me, "Where are all the fat people?

How do you find clothes to fit you?" :-|

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Just saying so you can consider it

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Glad you got this new perspective. Did you partake in it? If you haven't, I recommend you do it next year.

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LOL no no no, I don't think I'll ever do that. But really good for those who do it, that's scary for a lot of people.

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Alright, but speaking from experience, everything you said you experienced in the article will get to another level, plus a couple of new feelings and perspectives.

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