This is entire Godforsaken debacle is on you!

You’ve put yourself in this untenable predicament you are K, shitcanned from Twitter and flat-out THE most hated pariah on Gab because you’re quite literally painting ALL Conservatives with this ugly, broad brush….Indeed, apparently you got punked by a large group of Cons that you engaged with…very sorry to hear that. BUT, for you to shamelessly equivocate all Cons under this umbrella has deservedly left you in political no-mans land!

Curious, are you disavowing ‘Conservatives’ Cernovich, James Lindsay, Tucker, Chris Rufo, Clay Travis, Will Chamberlain, Mark Dice, Crowder?!?!? Are THEY on your ‘enemies list’ now too?

The fact that you could remotely suggest that today’s Conservative’s writ large are WORSE than the absolute fucking authoritarian psychos on the radical Left both in Government(Biden, Obozo, Schiff, Hillary, AOC and her entire squad, Legacy Media, Teachers Union and in practice(Antifa, Ibrim X Kendi, D’Angelo, Charles Blow, Hayden, SJW lunatics) is appalling and utterly ignorant beyond belief!

I don’t mean to get personal but you’ve turned into this insufferable, obese, bull-dyke looking, horror who’s now been outcast by everyone, whilst shitting on potential true allies!

You’re like a jilted lover who, in her anger for getting publicly dumped, is leaving a scorched earth path to YOUR own total isolation and irrelevancy!

Are you really this blinded by rage that you cannot acknowledge this reality? You frankly have hung yourself with YOUR own rope!

Take a look at your recent repugnant behavior, K….it’s really not a good look…

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I think the term establishment Republicans or the Uni-party rather than Conservative would better describe who the power grabbers are that deserve your rebuke. The Republican Elites do not like their constituents. You can see the populist movement that went for Trump and they hate that, and more recently against Liz Cheney. And take a look at Blake Masters in AZ that the establishment is not getting behind. There are a lot of conservatives that are worth meeting and I hope you meet them some day.

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Right vs left. The new Protestant vs catholic. Though a bit more encompassing as they take any issue (literally it seems) and hold to a side regardless of how idiotic or irrational it is. I’m sure they could argue over what letter of the alphabet is best and they would be sure to never pick the same letter.

Once we realize they are all authoritarians regardless of stripe, we realize they are anti-liberty and then the picture becomes clearer. They are playing left/right off of each other to deflect from the real issues. Many of us are manipulated by the “power players” to feel or behave in a certain way. They use illusions and misdirection, lies and omissions to control. We don’t have to submit to their control but it’s easier to believe than think for ourselves.

Over the last 70 years, what conflict has the US been involved in that has ended better for civilians? South America? No. Africa? None that I can think of. Asia? Middle East? Dare I mention Europe? Nope. And yet we are told by politicians and media that the US is the fountain of democracy, the brighter future for humanity.

Why do they beat on about canceling, wokeness, etc … because it’s about control. The “man” behind the curtain is small psychopath interested in controlling and destroying what won’t be controlled. “Be careful you don’t get out of line or we will destroy you.” Taught to children at the earliest of age. In Ontario, teachers openly ostracized children that don’t conform. Authoritarians don’t care the tool that delivers the power, they only want to be the one wielding it.

Maybe that’s why they didn’t like Trump, he wasn’t the right guy wielding the power. Regardless, until civilians accept that the people wanting the power are the last people who should have power, and do something about it, it will only get worse, and they will continue to argue about things that don’t truly make a difference.

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