But they worship a Jew…🙄 such good christians

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Those that “name call” the loudest, are often the most insecure and have the least information to share.

What I don’t get is the Jewish thing, unless you are Jewish in heritage (you don’t seem to practice any religious/cultural Jewish traditions).

I also don’t get the Jewish hatred spewed around. Even if some members of the Jewish community have controlling interests in society, that’s them, not every Jew that walked the earth.

Regardless, while some communities have certain common traits, don’t blanket the whole group with what we see. Like every black man is a democrat, or all hillbillies are dumb inbred hicks. Or all conservatives are racists. I use to identify as a conservative and I do not discriminate against people based on their skin colour.

Unless of course you’re mind-fucking with conservatives. Then you’re doing a great job. Never trust a psych. 😉

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Do you know conservatives are the only group to scream STOP GENERALIZING every time someone points out something about the people in their tribe that they don’t want to acknowledge? It’s a complete deflection.

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This reminds me of why I left Gab a few years ago. Everywhere I looked there was Jew-haters, and as a Christian conservative, I couldn’t take it. I would rather not be associated with such people.

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I don't know any conservatives that deny racism exists. Just that it is not lurking around every corner and that everyone that disagrees with me is a racist. Of course these things are racist. hateful, disgusting and inexcusable.

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Would you like me to show you the thousands of conservatives who have declared I'm a leftist for pointing this out?

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