What I really think of some of your favorite influencers and content creators
Brute force honesty was always my super power
If you’re new to The Red Pill Diaries, this is a project where I’m writing stream of conscious musings about my red pill journey. That means I put myself in a state of flow and write without stopping or editing myself. I want the content to be raw and authentic because that’s the type of content I like to read.
So that’s what you’ll find here. Observations I’ve made. Things I find interesting. Things I’ve learned that might help others who follow me from the left to come back down to reality. All written in the most gritty way I know how.
In February of 2020, I had an article go viral on the internet about being a Democrat for 20 years who went to a Trump rally and discovered the media had lied about who Trump supporters were.
I never wanted to be in this world. I didn’t even know most of this world existed. Yes, it is possible to live outside of the land of politics and news and really have no idea what’s going on, who the influencers are, or any of the drama that exists.
It was an easier, simpler time before I lived in this world.
Anyway, when my article went viral, I became the conservative darling for like 15 minutes. Suddenly, everyone knew who I was. As someone who never particularly wanted to be famous (I’m an introvert, believe it or not, and even to this day I really hate being on camera), suddenly being the center of attention was a bit overwhelming. And the oddest feeling in the world.
But I felt like there was truth to what I was doing. I was overwhelmed with thousands of messages from people telling me how my story of waking up and changing my mind helped them and gave them hope. I’m a psychologist. I built a business helping people. Suddenly I had thousands of people whom my words had touched in a deeply personal way reaching out. I really thought continuing to try to wake more people up was the right thing to do.
And so that’s what I tried to do. I told my story, because it was my story that helped people.
In doing so, I ended up going on all these shows and meeting all these people and having opportunities that some people would literally kill for. I had a lot of experiences that seem like they happened in another lifetime when I look back on them now.
And because of the journey that landed me at where I am today, I’ve often been asked what I think about influencers and content creators.
I don’t consider myself either an influencer or a content creator. I consider myself an activist, an author, and a psychologist. I happen to have a platform that is larger than average (but smaller than many), but I don’t actually see myself as a part of that space. I’m very grateful for that platform because it allows me many opportunities to reach people that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. That’s a blessing.
What’s not so much a blessing is that people routinely perceive me as being a part of a space that I’m not, or don’t connect myself with. I was on some shows a few years ago. So what? I don’t feel like I have much of anything in common with so many (though not all) of the people in this world. I never really have.
I’m weird. I like things like spirituality and thinking about the psychology behind the human experience and dry satirical humor that most people aren’t smart enough to understand. I wrote a book about mindfulness, for crying out loud. In the before times (before the red pill), I had very literally built a life in which I never ever had to interact with ANYONE I didn’t want to interact with. It was great. And all of a sudden, I was thrust into a world filled with people who craved the admiration of strangers they couldn't even see, much less know in real life.
I don’t understand this as a driving motivation in someone’s life. I’m not saying it’s bad or wrong - I don’t think anything is bad or wrong. It’s just about preference and what type of experience you showed up in this world to have. But, for what I showed up to do, I do not understand why people want to be influencers. I personally have no idea why anyone would choose that as a personal goal. The whole idea escapes me. And because it escapes me, I’ve never really felt the attachment to it that a lot of people feel.
I’m attached to my work. Teaching people. Coaching people. Helping people. Hopefully providing a role model for what it means to be a person that is powerfully expressing themselves. And finally, I feel like I’ve been able to escape the grasp of the content creators and can focus on what I’m good at, utilizing the platform that I was blessed with by the strange last few years.
So, I have opinions about a lot of content creators and “influencers” because I’ve spent time in their world and I feel like I’ve been observing it like an outsider. I was in it…but I never really was. A lot of it has been like a psychology experiment for me…and I’ve learned a lot.
The purpose of this site is to download what I’ve learned to people, whether they like what I have to say or they don’t.
And there will be so many people that clutch their pearls and go HOW DARE YOU at this piece.
How dare I spill the beans.
How dare I say things they don’t like about their hero.
How dare I “start drama.”
How dare I say what I think, instead of the approved talking points.
That’s because these people are used to their content creators being ENTERTAINERS first and PEOPLE second. They expect people like me to ask “how high?” before I leap off the ground after they command “JUMP!”
They’re going to say “YOU’RE JUST USING THIS TO AIR GRIEVANCES!!!!!”
So what? Over the last two years, some of the people in this piece have smeared me up and down the internet. I’d say I have some pretty epic grievances to air, and I’m allowed to do so.
Of course, those people will also ignore the positive things I say, focusing almost entirely on the things they don’t like because they’re addicted to outrage and are looking to get their fix.
So, fuck it. I value expression and authenticity above all. And I don’t owe anyone anything. I gave that world enough of me. They don’t get to ask me for favors anymore.
I’ve selected the people in this piece in a few ways. They’re people I was asked to comment on by my community. They’re people who I get asked about over and over and over again. They’re people who have influenced me. They’re people who have fucked me over.
These are my opinions, and I’m allowed to have them.
This will never be a comprehensive list, and it reflects my opinion at the time of writing, which means they could conceivably change based on new information or perspective. If I leave someone off the list, it could mean I don’t have an opinion on them. It could mean I don’t want to publicly share my opinion on them. Or it means that it hasn't occurred to me to include them in the list. If there is demand for people left off of the list, perhaps I will do a part 2.
Some of those opinions are based on real-life interactions and conversations. Some of those opinions are based on things I’ve heard behind the scenes. Some of those opinions are based on observations I’ve made from afar. Some of these opinions are a combination of one or all three of these factors.
I’m going to try to be constructive and nuanced…but there are times I won’t be and you’re just going to have to manage your feelings about that. Remember, I write these essays stream of conscious. These are unedited. Unedited thoughts don’t always come out artfully. But there is truth in them you wouldn’t otherwise get. And that’s something that I care about more than people’s feelings.
The last thing I’ll say before we dig in to what will inevitably be a controversial post is this: If you like someone that I don’t, WHO CARES? I sure don’t. I’ll never tell you who to like. I’ll never tell you who to watch. I’ll never tell you who to support. Who you like and support is none of my business, and you certainly don’t need my permission.
I’m writing this because I wish someone had done this for me when I red pilled. I would have been much better prepared.
These are in no particular order…except for the first one.
Tim Pool
I get asked about Tim Pool all the fucking time. ALL THE FUCKING TIME. My frustration with this is not directed at him because the reason I get asked about him all the time is that he is so good at what he does that people can’t help but talk about him.
And because I get asked about him so much, I have a lot to say about him.
I think Tim Pool is exceptional. I think he’s very smart. I think he has a beautiful and original way of putting information together. I think his worth ethic is admirable and he has earned everything he has the hard way. I think that it’s great that he’s doing his music because (even though it’s not my taste), he obviously really loves it, and I think it’s compelling to watch someone do what they love. Good for him.
I also think he could learn how to listen to others. Really listen. Not wait to talk. Listen.
I think he surrounds himself with people that aren’t as smart as him (or, quite frankly, are VERY beneath him) as a way to stay the smartest person in the room and because he’s used to being the smartest person in the room, he doens’t often have the necessity of listening to others. Why should he? He’s the smartest person in the room.
I think everyone should spend time listening to Tim Pool’s content on their red pill journey. But also keep in mind that his perspective is molded by the world he’s in. I don’t think he spends a lot of time with normal people who aren’t creators, and being around the crowd skews your judgment about what reality is. We are not on the brink of civil war. Things are fucked up in a far more dangerous way than that. But civil war is not going to break out any moment. That’s for clicks. If Tim Pool really believed civil war was going to break out, he’d already be in New Hampshire looking for refuge because he knows we’re going to be the first state to secede.
So, now you know what I think of Tim Pool. Please stop asking me and stop assuming I hate or dislike him, because I do not. Let’s move on.
Adam Crigler
Wants to be Tim Pool but isn’t as smart. Sold out. Lacks principles. Better singer and songwriter than Tim, though.
Candace Owens
I once heard a story about Candace. She was going to be honored with an award, but there was a catch. She would have to share the award with another person. Candace didn’t want to share the award, so she told the organization giving her the award that she would not attend unless the other person was disinvited and had the award taken away from them so that she would be the sole recipient.
That’s the kind of person she is. Selfish. Ruthless. Cutthroat. Narcissist.
She’s very smart, but her greatest genius is not in her grasp on current events or on people. Her greatest genius is in saying and doing what is required to build a brand.
I truly wonder if Candace has a personality of her own, or if everything is so manufactured and contrived to what will earn her the most possible money and give her the highest possible status.
She is one of the worst possible people to represent the black conservative movement, but Republicans love her because they love image above all else. But black people don’t like her.
Glenn Beck
The real deal. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Glenn Beck, even though we disagree on many things. I don’t think Glenn Beck does this for the money or the status (though God knows, he has both). I think he is a true believer. He puts his money where his mouth is. He shows up when it matters. He’s honest with his vulnerabilities. He’s doing what he was born to do, and I love that he’s been imperfect throughout his career because it shows that he is human.
Matt Walsh
There are signs of life in Matt Walsh. Maybe he’s actually starting to do things that matter. Ultimately, I hope I’m proven wrong about him, but right now here’s what I think.
If Matt Walsh lived in the time of Christ, he would have been one of the Roman soldiers who crucified him. He is the least-Christlike person I have ever laid my eyes on who also claims to be sincere in his claimed religious values. He is an authoritarian, nothing more. If Matt Walsh could wave a wand that would require all of us to do what he told us to, he would do it in a second and not think twice.
But he says the words conservatives like, so they fawn over him.
Matt Walsh has probably done more damage to the current conservative movement than anyone else in that game. Money. Status. Power. That is what he cares about.
Maybe he’s turned over a new leaf with these rallies. But I doubt it. I think he’s doing it for his status and power, nothing more.
Hunter Avallone
Young. Confused. Grew up on the internet in the worst possible way and will spend the rest of his life trying to compensate for it. Hopefully, he grows with age. Lovely wife.
John Doyle
Very smart. Dangerous. Panders to bad people. I hope he grows out of it with time. But there’s no denying that he has talent and that talent should be cultivated. He needs a mentor.
Lauren Witzke
Psychotic. Lauren Witzke once tweeted that my husband should be deported after she finished her campaign as the Republican nominee for Senate in Deleware. She got her ass kicked of course, but do you know what it’s like to have a far-right lunatic tweet to all her followers that your husband should be deported? A conservative who believes so much in good conservative values that she will advocate breaking up the family of someone just for funzies. Who does that? Seriously.
The only reason anyone knows who Lauren Witzke is is that she’s thin and blonde. That’s it. And she’s used being thin and blonde to make herself famous. She appeals to only the lowest variety of human being. The most toxic. The least intelligent. She is a bottom feeder.
Nick Fuentes
Very angry. Or maybe frustrated. Wants a dick in the ass more than any other obviously repressed gay man I’ve ever seen in my life.
Elijah Schaffer
I love Elijah. I love that he’s who he is, unapologetically. I disagree with a lot of what he says, but who cares? If I thought he was taking a position he didn’t believe in I might feel differently, but I think Elijah is true to himself. He’s not a grifter. What he says, he believes (at least, at the time he says it). Elijah just has a wonderful energy about him and I think it comes from his family. He makes me laugh. I’m really excited to see where he goes with this new stage of his career.
Blaire White
Will make a career out of being pretty on the internet and I’m sure will be extremely successful. But I personally find her to be a disappointment, far too easily influenced and not really interested in anything related to the real world. She lives in the land of clothes and hair and shoes and makeup, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you believe Blaire White is going to save you, that’s just foolish. Blaire is going to start a product line and that’s about the beginning and the end of it. I don’t wish her anything but success (we should always wish people success regardless of it we like them or not) but I also think we should be realistic about what she is and what her priorities are.
Allie Beth Stuckey
Conservative cunt Barbie.
I don’t find her bible-thumping intelligent or original.
I don’t have a problem with the bible or with religion. Whatever floats your boat. But I think we can all agree the bible thumpers are more annoying than they are compelling.
Ian Crossland
Creative. I like Minds. A lot. It has a good vibe to it. I like that Ian is weird and thinks about things differently than his contemporaries. Is he playing a character? I’m not sure. But if he is, he should lean in.
Salty Cracker
I’m including him because I was asked by a community member. The truth is that I’ve never watched him and don’t have an opinion either way on him. I’ve always liked the energy of his fans that overlap with my audience though! There are many creators this isn’t true of, so that has to mean something.
Cassandra Fairbanks
Stunningly insecure. Needs the validation of morons on the internet to make her feel good about herself. Is not responsible in the way she uses her gifts.
Lauren Chen
A good head on her shoulders. One of the smartest young commentators in her space. Sees through the bullshit. Will be a Libertarian someday.
Anne Coulter
Queen bitch. I don’t care for her tone or her takes, but you can’t deny her success.
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson has helped millions of people who struggled to accept help from anywhere else, and no one can deny that. However, I find the current version of Jordan Peterson sad. He changed while he was fighting his own demons, as I suppose we all would. He’s angry, he’s bitter, he’s seething at the world. And I think he sold out to the Daily Wire. I think it’s sad to watch. I missed the first era of Peterson because it happened prior to my red pill and I appreciate the impact he’s had on people and why so many people love him. Is it better to burn out or fade away?
Dave Rubin
Believes he’s doing the right thing. Will be a great dad. Cutest husband in the world.
Alex Stein
Our generation’s Andy Kaufman. The hero we need. Wonderful energy, seems genuine. I hope he isn’t spoiled by the industry because he’s great as he is.
Chrissie Mayr
I don’t know how else to say this: Why?
There are simply people that I don’t understand the appeal of at all, and this woman is one of them.
I just think it’s sad and pathetic when middle-aged women act like they’re sorority girls in college. It’s like she was a nerd in high school and has been trying to make herself the cool girl ever since to make up for experiences she believed she was robbed of.
It’s just not my cup of tea. If you like it, more power to you.
Brandon Straka
I struggle with whether or not to talk about Brandon in this essay. Because, for so long, I think I saw what I needed to see in him.
In 2020, I really do believe that Brandon believed in the mission of #WalkAway. He worked so hard. And then January 6 happened and I think a lot changed after that. If he did believe in the mission he claimed at one time (and I really hope that I’m right that he did), I don’t believe he does anymore. It was heartbreaking for me to come to grips with what that all was. If Brandon’s work inspired you like it did me, let it inspire you. It’s ok. All idols have clay feet.
Christian Walker
Is going to be one hell of a powerhouse. Smart. Authentic. Bold. Has more courage than most to express himself unapologetically. And, let’s be honest, the most beautiful eyes on the entire internet.
Charlie Kirk
I mean, you have to admire the hustle…but can we all just admit it’s just a hustle?
James Lindsay
We’d be lost without him. He is who he is. He is a hero.
Christopher Rufo
Chris Rufo stepped into an impossible role that no one else wanted. I remember what it was like at that time - no one was covering what was happening in any real way. I was the one who broke the story of the segregated employee training in Seattle. Chris Rufo was the ONLY journalist to follow up on that story. That’s what launched him into this space. What he has built is incredible and I will always be very grateful that he stepped up because if he hadn’t, I probably would have and I am not the person to take on that role. He is the person for it. I’m better at other things. I don’t like the more conservative leanings, but that’s just nitpicking. Thank God for Chris Rufo.
Jack Posobiec
Kind. Smart. Not a white supremacist. Gets some things wrong, gets some things right but I mostly think he’s one of the best pure journalists. There’s a lot to admire in Jack even though I personally find him to be far too militant. With some people, you just have to overlook some of the shitty things they say and do because what I know fo Jack Posobiec is that he’s there when it matters, tells hard truths, and is more responsible than the vast majority of journalists working today. Yeah, I think he’s got some shit takes. So what? Dude’s walking the walk and that’s rare.
Ian Miles Cheong
Straight grifter. Will say whatever he needs to. Narcissist, with no real reason to be.
Michael Malice
One of the very few people that I’m intimidated by because of how smart he is. Very funny. Gets away with fucking murder, and good for him. Wouldn’t you do it if you could?
Eric Methany
Eric gives me hope for conservatives. He is the person that you see, a person who’s call I’ll always take, a person I trust enough to go to for help when I need it. He’s always been there, always told me the truth, and is one hell of a friend.
Nick Rekieta
Seems authentic and has really good art and I can’t hate that.
That’s all I can think of for right now. Who did I miss?
I’m sure I left out about a million people, but it’s almost midnight. Leave me a comment and let me know if you liked this and if there should be a part 2.
I love this so much.
Mikey Harlow helped me leave the Left !