It’s cliche to say “ I didn’t leave my party, my party left me,” but that’s precisely what happened.
It felt like I just woke up one day and didn’t have anything in common with those people anymore.
Or maybe they didn’t leave me. Maybe I just thought my party had different values than it did. I don’t think that’s the case though, because I do remember a time when they cared about free speech and understood what the slippery slope was. But did they really care, or just pretend to care?
That’s the constant mind fuck of all of this. You never really know when it all started, the woke shit permeating culture and making the population pod people. I think things were ok in the 90s…but maybe that was just nostalgia?
I knew some of my professors in college were communists, and that was in the early 2000s. I actually took an international relations class my freshman year in college taught by Billy Corgan’s uncle, and he taught us that communism was the most evolved form of society. Of course, he didn’t offer any examples of any societies that had successfully realized that fully evolved form, but we all know that’s just a technicality.
But I’m pretty sure in college, I was still allowed to do things like call things I didn’t like gay and retarded.
They took over the colleges a long time ago following Alinsky’s rules. Then, once they had taken over the colleges, they convinced the population they needed those expensive pieces of paper in order to be successful in life. And once they made college a “requirement” they were able to reach more young minds and create more people just like them.
That’s how you build a social movement. It starts with a single idea, and then the person with that idea creates more people with that idea by teaching it. And then they create more people with it, and so on and so forth. To build a social movement, you need teachers. And in the colleges, they are untouchable. Why do you think tenure was invented?
I got into a discussion with my husband tonight about the public schools, pointing out all the reasons they can’t be fixed. He tried to poke holes in my arguments and every time, I was able to debunk them. He started to grow frustrated, not understanding how everything got so fucked up and why people would try to do this to the country. Remember, he’s Ukrainian…he values it here more than most Americans because he knows what it’s like elsewhere.
Finally, I stood up and said “Their goals are not your goals. Their values are not your values.” It went something like this:
“But why would they destroy the schools? Why would they teach anti-racist math? Why don’t they just have real mathematicians teach math, not teachers?”
“Because they don’t want an educated populous. They don’t want people to think for themselves. They want a dumbed-down populous. That makes them easier to control.”
The woke don’t have the same goals that we do because they don’t have the same values we do.
They value power above all else, in all the forms power comes in. The value it above a functional society. They value it above freedom. They value it above love. They will very literally destroy society if it means attaining more power.
Because their values are different, their goals will be different.
If your goal is to attain as much power as possible, you have to do that by taking actions to become more powerful.
You become more powerful when you control more and get others in a place of subservience to you.
You get others in a place of subservience to you when you take away their ability to think for themselves.
You take away their ability to think for themselves by brainwashing them from the time they’re 4-years-old.
So of course, you’d want to destabilize the state educational system so you could take it over and use it for your own purposes, even if that means destroying the entire system with your foolishness because you value your own power above everything else.
Their values are not our values. That’s why their goals are not our goals. That’s why it seems like they are speaking a different language and live in a completely different reality - because they literally do.
There two kinds of woke -- those who are ideologically possessed, and those who want power for its own sake. James Lindsay says the former are the true danger, because they are fundamentally disconnected from reality -- they truly believe they can bring about Heaven On Earth by destroying the current system. I think both are terribly dangerous, because the latter are the ones who *enjoy* stamping human faces with boots. They are the fascists, quite often former capitalists who don't want the inherent chaos of capitalism to topple their empires.
I strongly suggest reading Guy Debord. Yes, he's a 60s Marxist, but he was right about how the powerful can incorporate their critics into their systems. The fascists are enabling the communists to create the totalitarian state that the fascists can subsequently take over. Hence, "communo-fascism."