The Red Pill Diaries are my unvarnished, sometimes offensive, slightly narcissistic observations on my red pill journey.
If you’re looking for my unwoke content, head over to the Actively Unwoke Substack.
When I started this journey, I promised myself that I was going to document an authentic human experience, for better or worse.
My goal was not to promote one political tribe over another. I knew that I never wanted to lose myself in the swamp that is politics. The thing that launched me into the space was a simple story about the human journey of having a new experience, evolving, and changing my mind.
And I was honest about my intention from the start. I told everyone I was not going to pander to them.
I never wavered.
And even when I was smeared and canceled for this commitment to be myself, unapologetically, no matter what, I did not deviate.
I never strove to be a perfect person. I never strove to be the most popular person. I never strove to do what is required if you want to be labeled an “influencer” (which, in my case, would have necessitated losing weight, growing my hair out, buying a lot of low-cut tops and having some sort of neon light in the background on my videos).
I never wanted to be any of those things.
I wanted to be an authentic person.
I have to tell you that I’m pretty proud of myself for that, because it was not easy. The last two years have sucked quite a bit because there are so many people who are (frankly) too stupid to see what I’m doing and why it’s important.
It’s not important because it’s *me*. It could be anyone. It could be you.
Documenting an authentic human experience and making a record of it is important for history.
I don’t want historians (if such a thing exists 50-100 years from now) to look back on this time period and believe that influencers were the most accurate depiction of the human experience.
Do you have any idea how much of this online bullshit is fake?
Do you know that you will never be a well-known person unless you buy into it, to some degree?
There’s nothing the system fears more than authenticity. Authenticity means uncontrollable. It also provides a contrast for people who are used to being surrounded by inauthentic things that allows them to understand the difference between real and fake. How people what real looks like and fake suddenly doesn’t seem as compelling as it once did.
And so what does that mean? When historians look back, they will see influencer culture developing humanity. The true human experience will be lost because it wasn’t documented because all of the normal people were too afraid of what other people would think, how they would be judged, etc…
I have to believe that the authentic human experience still matters.
I look around at my spiritual communities and teachers and I believe it still does. There are huge communities of people that so many in the politics and culture space have no idea of where you will experience a completely different reality that are so beautiful.
Goddamnit, why couldn’t I have gone viral in one of those communities rather than in the culture wars?
Because then I wouldn’t be able to bring their values into this one, I suppose.
The stories you see in the news are always perfectly polished for whatever angle they want to sell you (good or bad). And it’s always about selling you. The influencers pretend to care about topics because they’re trending on Twitter. The politicians spend all day trying to convince us that they’re all working very hard for us by doing absolutely nothing of value.
And if that wasn't enough you have the anonymous trolls with the anime icons. If they’re real people at all they are playing a character online. They probably don’t even know who they really are, let alone be able to present an authentic experience to the world.
The vast majority of the things you see online are absolute bullshit to sell you on whatever idea the establishment wants you to have.
And if it’s not that, it’s pretending to resist the establishment line as controlled opposition.
It’s all fake.
This could be black pilling or white pilling, depending on your perspective.
I find a freedom in that.
The value I can give to the world is the documentation of an authentic human experience in a sea of fakery, create a record of a normal person who has gone through a few extraordinary experiences that not everyone gets to have.
What do I care what these idiots think of me? They’re literally going through their life pretending.
I feel more connected to God today than I have in years.
And I feel like I’m looking down at all the bullshit from an extremely high perch thinking “look at all those people absolutely wasting their lives. Isn’t that sad?”
Individuals like myself follow you for exactly what you give. Authenticity. You stay true to your values and who you are. I wish more “influencers” would actually influence our society to fight for what is right. But that is hard and takes a lot of work. They are just play pretending to care in order to be popular. And in those regards their fake influence is worse because they distract the people with fake outrage and nothing is ever actually put into action
Wow, no typos, you were really inspired in this one. Really appreciated the swamp ester egg at the beginning.